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How EHSQ Apps can help organisations build a Safety Culture!

11 October 2024
How EHSQ Apps can help organisations build a Safety Culture!

Digital transformation of the EHSQ function is a relatively new phenomenon in Ireland, and while Covid 19 certainly accelerated transformation, there are still pockets of the industry that have concerns regarding whether the workforce is ready to use a mobile device at work. In order to progress this conversation, we must look at the facts and dispel some of the myths. In the first instance, smartphone penetration in Ireland is estimated by some to be at 97%. This is supported by separate studies that suggest the smartphone userbase is estimated to reach 4.98 million users by 2029. The overall consensus is that mobile devices are now ingrained into the daily lives of most adults, and while the use of smartphone apps generally are a barrier for some, when you exclude those that are retired, the potential barrier is negligible. 

If we accept the consensus that mobile phone usage is now second nature to the majority of adults, then we must progress that hypothesis, and ask what the mobile device is actually used for! According to the Central Statistics Office, nearly all internet users (96%), used their smart phone or mobile phone to access the internet, and furthermore, nearly all persons (98%), whose principal economic status was “At work”, used the internet on their phone. While minor differences may appear between studies, the overwhelming evidence is that people who work, are regularly using mobile devices to access the internet. There may of course be queries around company policy with regards to whether the company wants Employees to use personal or work phones while working, but the myth that people are not used to smartphone usage to access the internet, is indeed simply a myth, and is certainly not a barrier to digital transformation of the EHSQ function. 

So let's progress and with the topic at hand…

Here are our main points regarding "How EHSQ Apps can help organisations build a Safety Culture":

  1. Effective communication is the cornerstone of a strong safety culture. Most EHSQ professionals in our opinion see EHSQ Apps as an opportunity to answer the biggest question of all time i.e. ”how can we communicate and engage our people more in safety?” Just think about it, with 97% mobile penetration, the use of EHSQ Apps is a massive opportunity to get connected to the workforce. It certainly is a far cry from sending faxes and memos. Now that we have the means to connect, the question can then shift to what we say and do, in order to help improve the overall safety culture. 
  2. In our experience, an easy win when using EHSQ Apps, is the ability and opportunity to be able to share safety learnings quickly. This is particularly relevant in businesses that have multi site locations, that have a dynamic site environment such as construction, or organisations who have a lot of people who travel. It is increasingly difficult to bring people together, so the use of EHSQ Apps allow entire organisations to communicate far more effectively and efficiently than ever before. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to work out that good communication can result in increased cooperation, higher engagement, better productivity, higher compliance, lower incidents and a more positive workplace culture. The flip side also applies clearly, and organisations that have poor communication have the corresponding more negative results. 
  3. In our opinion the best EHSQ Apps focus not just on getting information to Employees quickly, but also have the ability to get information from Employees quickly. The most basic form of this type of activity is the ability and opportunity to encourage Employees to speak up and report good catches and safety observations. Using EHSQ Apps, Employees can report safety concerns or incidents with just a few taps on their smartphones. A culture that encourages Employees to let their Employer know as soon as possible if they spot any unsafe activity, has significant benefits, particularly as the management can now deal with these issues before they result in an incident, an accident and even an injury. 
  4. Traditional EHSQ paper processes in areas such as auditing or plant inspection have always had limitations, and we are finding that in some organisations, the drive for greater efficiency is being driven by management more so than EHSQ departments. It is widely accepted by management that technology can deliver comprehensive and accurate results faster, so EHSQ departments are now transferring their more laborious tasks to mobile EHS apps. This gives the entire business access to more accurate information faster, which in turn allows the business to make better decisions quicker. Here at #teamdulann we call that, ‘Data Driven Decision Making’. Organisations can analyse this data in real time to identify trends, assess risk areas, and implement targeted improvements.
  5. So what is the real win/win here? Clearly now with better communication and connectivity, with improved safety culture and awareness, it's not just about a corresponding decrease in incidents, which in turn leads to a safer work environment. What our clients also find is that there are big wins at the boardroom table too!! The biggest financial win is that Employees are now free to focus on higher-value activities. From a dulann perspective, this type of efficiency gain is tracked for every client, with dulann clients benefiting from nearly €100M in efficiency gains alone. This in turn makes the business far more sustainable and competitive, and all of which is delivered by the EHSQ department. It makes for a very different board meeting from the olden days of the EHSQ being a department that was seen as a cost to the business. 
  6. In addition to all of the above, most of our clients here at dulann are operating to ISO standards. Maintaining compliance with regulations is critical for these organisations. EHSQ Apps simplify the documentation process by allowing users to track activity such as safety inspections, audits, and training completions digitally. This organised approach ensures that records are readily available for regulatory reviews, reducing the risk of non-compliance, and certainly reducing the paperwork and admin time involved with these audits.

In conclusion, EHSQ Apps are powerful tools that can significantly enhance an organisation’s safety culture. By improving communication, facilitating incident reporting, and engaging employees in safety practices, these applications create an environment where safety is prioritised and ingrained in everyday operations.

As organisations continue to navigate the complexities of modern work environments, embracing technology like EHSQ Apps can lead to a safer, more productive workplace. Ultimately, a robust safety culture not only protects employees but also contributes to the overall success, sustainability and reputation of the organisation. Investing in EHSQ Apps is a step toward fostering a culture where everyone is committed to safety, ensuring that it becomes an integral part of the organisational ethos.

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Damian Donlon currently leads dulann as CEO, a company based in Wexford and Malaga, who are market leaders in the provision of EHSQ Software. Prior to the last 13 years at dulann, Damian has spent many years leading and coaching businesses to develop strategic planning, with the key focus of long term sustainability, performance improvement and succession planning. In addition to a wealth of experience, Damian also holds an MBA, and a first class honours Degree BBS.

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